“We found today that Danny Norris, one of our ongoing understudies, died, which is a lamentable misfortune for his family, our school, and our local area.” Our hearts go out to Danny’s family, which incorporates his mom Lisa, father Lar, brothers Charlie and Shay, as well as more distant family and companions. Danny was a Rang 1 understudy who will be profoundly missed by all who knew him. Danny was a lively, compassionate young fellow who delighted in school and mingling.


He will be associated with his comical inclination, his affection for pandas, turtles, and his various companions. We have reached Danny’s folks and guaranteed them of our proceeded with help in the next few long stretches of time.Public Instructive Mental Assistance (NEPS) clinicians and our minister Fr Michael Toomey have been with us today, encouraging teachers on the most proficient method to help our understudies through this difficult stretch. In Danny’s honor and memory, our school will be open tomorrow somewhere in the range of 2 and 4 p.m. for individuals to assemble and share their stories and recollections of Danny in the school he cherished. Danny, I love you.” Danny Norris determined to have Neuroblastoma Danny Norris is six years of age, brilliant, effervescent, and loaded with underhandedness. He has determined to have Stage 4 High-Hazard Neuroblastoma in July 2020.

Neuroblastoma is a danger of the thoughtful sensory system, with cancers most regularly tracked down in the adrenal organs or the mid-region. Consistently, about 7 to 10 youngsters in Ireland are determined to have this uncommon and forceful type of pediatric disease.

High-Chance Neuroblastoma has a repeat pace of 60% when originally analyzed. In the event that the condition repeats, fruitful treatment turns out to be significantly more troublesome. Tragically, endurance opportunities for youngsters who backslide are poor, under 10%, a sobering number. What is Neuroblastoma? Neuroblastoma is a cancer that emerges from youthful nerve cells tracked down all through the body. Neuroblastoma most normally creates in and around the adrenal organs, which have nerve cell beginnings and live on the kidneys.

Neuroblastoma, then again, can frame in better places of the midsection, as well as the chest, neck, and around the spine, where groupings of nerve cells dwell.

Neuroblastoma is most successive in youngsters matured 5 and under, while it can foster in more seasoned kids too. A few sorts of neuroblastoma resolve all alone, while others might require a few medicines.

Danny’s Excruciating excursion Subsequently, we are mentioning assets for extra treatment to keep up with Danny abating once all cutting edge treatment in Ireland has been finished. Danny fostered a cancer on the left half of his midsection that overwhelmed his left kidney and adrenal organs from the get go.Danny has had 12 rounds of chemotherapy, a nephrectomy (to eliminate his kidney), high-portion chemotherapy, an undeveloped cell relocate, 7 evenings in ICU because of high-portion chemo entanglements, 23 rounds of radiotherapy, and various bone marrow suctions, blood bondings, and other operations, checks, taking care of cylinders, etc (all during a worldwide pandemic).Danny has gotten the most ideal clinical consideration and extraordinary treatment in Ireland and has battled courageously constantly. His oncologist and the whole staff at St. John’s Ward Crumlin, as well as the Pediatric Ward at Tipperary College Emergency clinic, have furnished him with exceptional consideration. We will be interminably appreciative for their help and backing, as well as the sympathy they have shown Danny and our loved ones. Danny, then again, is currently in the last step of his forefront treatment plan in Crumlin – immunotherapy, which he will finish by mid 2022. Whenever this is achieved, Danny should travel abroad for more treatment to offer him the most obvious opportunity with regards to endurance.

Danny’s folks raising assetsWe, Danny’s folks, are mentioning your help with raising the essential monies so he can partake in a Bivalent Immunization learn at Commemoration Sloane Kettering Clinic (MSK) in New York. The immunization is expected to reduce the probability of Danny’s Neuroblastoma repeating. This creative treatment is as of now inaccessible in Ireland. MSK analysts have spearheaded imaginative ways to deal with disease determination and treatment. They have one of the most dynamic malignant growth research programs on the planet. Coming up next are a few significant focuses about the most recent immunization preliminary: NCT04936529 – Stage II Immunization Preliminary “A Stage II investigation of a Bivalent Antibody with the Immunological Adjuvant Pick 821 (QS-21) in Blend with Oral – glucan, and Randomization of GM-CSF for High-Hazard Neuroblastoma”

The new preliminary is currently selecting members and will most recent 5 years. Danny, if qualified, would get 14 immunization infusions: 7 in year 1, 4 in year 2, and 1 in years 3, 4, and 5.

Norris’ battle since his finding Danny’s life has changed significantly since his finding; a typical day comprises of pulse checks, medication, infusions, blood tests, and bondings. Danny had distress and uneasiness, as well as every one of the typical symptoms of chemotherapy, yet he seldom whined. He’s a genuine officer, accepting every day and each new trouble. We were unable to be more pleased with Danny and his two more established kin, Charlie, 10, and Shay, 8. The times of extended and unforeseen division have been particularly intense for every one of the three young men, and the elevated degrees of vulnerability they currently defy day to day have been all in all a change for them all. In any case, they keep on adoring, care for (and fight) as no one but brothers can. They partake in playing LEGO together, and PlayStation is another #1. Danny appreciates perusing and shading, and his #1 creatures are Pandas and Turtles. For any clinic excursions or arrangements, he will continuously convey a delicate toy either under his arm.

— Little Blue Heroes Foundation (@LilBlueHeroes) December 9, 2022

Consistently, Danny exhibits mind boggling fortitude and character strength. His boisterous snicker and merry face assisted us with all helping through a few troublesome days. As far as we might be concerned, he’s a little star, and we were unable to be more joyful for Danny and his brothers. Danny actually faces a troublesome fight in front of him, with numerous clinical mountains to survive. We, as his folks, are devoted to giving him the most ideal possibility beating disease unequivocally. Your assistance is incredibly valuable, and we would be blissful if you would impart our mission to your family, companions, and partners.

November 23, 2022 Just to tell everyone, Danny, Goomie and the group are out of ICU and back in the ward. Much obliged such a great amount to everybody for every one of the kindly words, messages, petitions, candles, and so on. It implies a ton. Fingers crossed Danny will keep on gaining great headway before very long Sincere Sympathies to Darling Danny Norris Michael Toomey

DANNY NORRIS Tear. It is with profound trouble and a weighty heart that we in the ward advanced today of the demise of our little blue legend, Danny Norris. Danny died calmly at home earlier today, encompassed by his adored guardians, Lisa and Lar, his big brothers, Charlie, and Shay, his grandparents, loved ones, and obviously, his cherished, Panda.

Our contemplations and petitions to heaven are with his folks, brothers, and family at this exceptionally miserable and troublesome time. Our requests are likewise with Danny’s companions in Ballymacarbry Public School, his educators, thus many individuals whose lives have been moved by this remarkable seven-year-old. Burial service subtleties will be made accessible later.