However, this was no ordinary sort of capturing. The person in question, a clinical cannabis vendor, experienced a few actual wounds and mutilation.

Los Angeles Times reports that the casualty experienced a few substance and taser consumes, genital mutilation just as different wounds from Nayeri.

At the point when the entirety of the occurrences collapsed, it came out that Nayeri had a mixed up conviction that the casualty had stowed away $1 million in the Mojave Desert.

Following the hijacking and the wounds that he put on the person in question, Hossein was condemned to life by the court. Where Is He Now?

While the real names of his folks are not revealed, it is realized that Hossein Nayeri’s dad is a specialist and his mom, an attorney.

Both of Nayeri’s folks are situated in Iran according to reports and are all around rumored faculty in the spot.

In 2010, Nayer’s dad vanished and was accepted to have been abducted however was gone forever.

Nonetheless, the authorities were certain not to uncover their characters to secure their protection.

The criminal Hossein Nayeri’s age is believed to be 42 years of age.

Truth be told, he was born on December 6, 1978, in Iran and had later moved to the United States.

Tragically, the subtleties of his transition to the United States isn’t known however he is an American resident.

Hossein Nayeri was hitched to his significant other Cortney Shegerian after the couple met around 19 years prior.

Nayeri and his ex Shegerian met when they were 23 and 16 years of age individually. Following two or three years of their first gathering, the couple got hitched notwithstanding Shegerian’s folks’ refusal.

In 2005, Hossein in the wake of hitting his companion with a vehicle and killing him and escaped to Iran.

Moreover, he is accounted for to have hitched one more lady during his two or three months stay in the nation, according to The OC Register.

At the point when he returned, he was taken directly to the court yet confronted a suspended sentence as opposed to a jail which got a lot of reaction around then.

After several years, he was by and by taken to the court for aggressive behavior at home against his better half Shegeraina and the couple is accounted for to have isolated from that point forward.

Shockingly, Hossein Nayeri made a departure video back in 2016 when he escaped from the Orange County Jail.

Nayeri alongside two different detainees got away from the jail where they were held in 2016. During the episode, Hossein made a video of him getting away from the jail with his phone.

The cell video shows the principal individual perspective on the break course and the interaction which was subsequently submitted to CBS Los Angeles.

In any case, they were before long recovered soon after half a month.

In the current day, Nayeri is in prison counting for what seems like forever in the wake of getting condemned for his life following the capturing episode.

Michael is the casualty of Hossein Nayeri who was captured.

ABC News reports that Michael, a dispensary proprietor alongside one more lady named Mary Barnes was abducted by Nayeri and two different men.

— 20/20 (@ABC2020) December 19, 2020

They were taken from their home at Newport Beach, California and Michael was seriously harmed and his penis was ravaged by the men.

Nayeri and his two different partners accepted that Michael had covered $1 million in real money which prompted all the hijacking episodes.