Holy Potatoes! A Weapons Shop?! is a Simulation game being developed by Daylight Studios. The player’s role in the game? You guessed it! You run a weapon shop! …where potato blacksmiths forge weapons for potato heroes and heroines, preparing them to combat the evils they’ll face on their potato journeys. You don’t have to take my word for it – the potatoes speak for themselves.

With hardworking potato blacksmiths such as Laura Craft, Bulk Bogan, and Russet Peters at your side, no potato adventurer is without hope.The smoother your operation, the more renowned you’ll be. Who knows? You may even be sought out by legendary adventurers in desperate need of your aid. Word is some Claude guy needs a really big sword to save some “flower girl.”

Seriously though, a game as wacky as this is sure to bring a smile to your face. If you’d like to know more about the genius behind the concept, the team’s artist, Julian Futanto, posted a developer diary explaining the birth of the potato people. The game was even Greenlit on Steam this past March, so expect these cute little taters to take over the world as we know it.

Coming to Mac and PC, Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! is set to release this Summer, so keep on your (pota)toes! Feel free to follow the game’s Facebook page if you’d like to keep up to date. Thanks for reading! And remember…

They were born for this.

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