She initially shot her significant other on numerous occasions and afterward dissected his body. She conveyed his body parts in a plastic sack and dispersed them close by a close by street from where they resided.

The whole story of Elize and the merciless homicide of Marcos is displayed in the most recent Netflix wrongdoing docuseries “Elize Matsunaga: Once Upon A Crime.”

Elize and Marcos got hitched following three years of dating and living respectively before his separation from his first spouse was finished. Elize before long got pregnant and brought forth their lone girl. Nonetheless, their marriage was on the rocks because of Marcos’ unfaithfulness.

She thought about leaving during her pregnancy, however he guaranteed her he’d retouch his methodologies. Nonetheless, her little girl was just a year old when she killed her better half. The justification the homicide was mental maltreatment and unfaithfulness.

Helena Matsunaga is the little girl of Elize and Marcos Matsunaga. She is the couple’s lone kid. Elize conceded she considered fleeing with her girl during the disturbed time with her late spouse.

Be that as it may, she chose to remain with Marcos for Helena’s wellbeing. Her girl was additionally the explanation Elize admitted her wrongdoing. Helena Matsunaga’s age is 10 years of age as of now. She was born at some point in the year 2011. In any case, her exact birthdate isn’t yet referenced on the web. Helena Matsunaga’s fatherly family accepted her sole care after the fierce homicide of her dad.

Her dad, Marcos’ family, requested a DNA test after finding Elize was a previous escort. Following the fundamental confirmation, she lost all parental rights to Marcos’ folks.

Elize allegedly needed her girl, who was just a baby at that point, to go to her folks. It was not feasible. In any case, Helena is in acceptable hands and is brought up in a protected and glad climate. She hasn’t met her mom, however she was told about her folks in 2017.