The upper level includes three bosses: Blood Queen Lana’thel, Professor Putricide, and Sindragosa. This guide will provide you with three cheap decks that will surely help you beat all the bosses and get your free Frozen Throne pack as a reward.

How to Beat Blood Queen Lana’thel in Hearthstone’s Icecrown Citadel

Lana’thel is your first boss, and the first thing she does is change your hero power to Vampiric Bite that costs 0 mana and gives any minion +2/+2. The trick is that you must use this power every turn, even if you have no minions of your own on the board.

This means that you should always have at least one of your minions on board every turn, or you will have to buff one of Lana’thel’s minions. Also, it must always be a fresh one, since the Vampiric Bite works only once on each minion.

In order to beat Blood Queen Lana’thel you need to make a deck that consists of many cheap minions that have Charge and can go face immediately. The best class for this job is Hunter.

Here is the Hunter decklist you can use to beat Lana’thel:

2x Alleycat 2x Animal Companion 2x Bluegill Warrior 2x Crackling Razormaw 2x Dire Wolf Alpha 2x Eaglehorn Bow 2x Kill Command 2x Kindly Grandmother 2x Raptor Hatchling 2x Scavenging Hyena 2x Stonetusk Boar 2x Stubborn Gastropod 2x Tundra Rhino 2x Vicious Fledgling 2x Wolfrider

How to Beat Professor Putricide in Hearthstone’s Icecrown Citadel

The battle against the second boss consists of three phases. Each phase will mark the change of Professor’s hero power to something even more sinister. He begins with 30 points of life and 15 armor. Every time you break his armor, he will regenerate it and enter the next phase.

In the first phase his hero power will make all secrets cost 0 mana – including yours. This is a great opportunity for you to play one of the three classes that utilizes secrets: Hunter, Mage, or Paladin.

As soon as you break his armor, he will activate his second hero power that makes all weapons cost 1 mana. In the third and final phase all cards will cost 5 mana, which will limit you to two plays each turn.

All this means that you need to have tools that destroy secrets and weapons. Among the three mentioned heroes, the best one turned out to be Mage.

Here is the Mage decklist you can use to beat Professor Putricide:

2x Acidic Swamp Ooze 2x Arcane Missiles 2x Arcanologist 2x Counterspell 2x Eater of Secrets 2x Fireball 2x Firelands Portal 1x Flamestrike 2x Frostbolt 2x Gluttonous Ooze 2x Ice Barrier 2x Mana Wyrm 2x Medivh’s Valet 2x Polymorph 1x Pyroblast 2x Secretkeeper

How to Beat Sindragosa in Hearthstone’s Icecrown Citadel

Sindragosa is a powerful dragon that will prevent you from playing your minions by blocking your board with four immovable blocks of ice. Thus you will be able to play three minions max.

Additionally, her hero power will turn all of your minions into blocks of ice when her life total goes down to 20. If you’re not careful, your board will be fully blocked, and you will have no chance of playing any more of your minions.

All this indicates that you need to have an OTK combo on your hands, and at the same time be able to remove all of her threats. The plan is to play your minions and buff them up with Divine Spirit + Inner Fire combo as a Priest until you have a total minion power of 30 damage or more on board. Then, you can kill her with one shot.

Here is the Priest decklist you can use to beat Sindragosa:

2x Ancient Watcher 2x Binding Heal 2x Divine Spirit 2x Forbidden Shaping 2x Humongous Razorleaf 2x Inner Fire 2x Kabal Talonpriest 2x Lightspawn 2x Lightwell 2x Power Word: Shield 2x Purify 2x Radiant Elemental 2x Shadow Word: Death 2x Shadow Word: Pain 2x Silence

That is it for Upper Reaches bosses in the Icecrown Citadel adventure, and in the meantime check out other Hearthstone guides at GameSkinny:

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