Overall, there are 123 puzzles to be solved, so if you don’t want to spend hours upon hours of painstakingly figuring each and every one of them, then just follow our comprehensive guide below for all the possible sequences.

Lethal Puzzles Sequences

Poisonmaster Pollark

Hero Power + Deadly Poison + Cold Blood on Bluegill Warrior Frostbolt + Ice Lance + Mana Wyrm Stonetusk Boar + Windfury, Abusive Sergeant and Rockbiter Weapon on Stonetusk Boar Stonetusk Boar attacks Ironfur Grizzly + Bluegill Warrior attacks Shieldbearer + Stonetusk Boar (1), Stonetusk Boar (2) and Wolfrider attack opponent with Flametongue Totem Rabid Worgen (1) + Rabid Worgen (2) + Whirlwind + Hero Power + Shield Slam on Frothing Berserker + Rabid Worgen (1) and Rabid Worgen (2) attack Ironwood Golem + Frothing Berserker attacks opponent Leeroy Jenkins + Reincarnate on Ticking Abomination + Leeroy Jenkins attacks opponent + Reincarnate on Leeroy Jenkins + Leeroy Jenkins attacks opponent Cosmic Anomaly + Arcane Blast on Bronze Gatekeeper + Coin + Celestial Emissary + Fireball on opponent + Mana Wyrm attacks opponent Carnivorous Cube on Clockwork Automaton + Play Dead on Carnivorous Cube + Hunter’s Mark on Carnivorous Cube + Arcane Shot on Carnivorous Cube + Hero Power Back-up Plan

Myra Rotspring

Ironbeak Owl on Stranglethorn Tiger + All minions attack opponent + Hero Power Potion of Madness on Frostwolf Grunt + Frostwolf Grunt attacks Frostwolf Grunt + Sylvanas Windrunner attacks opponent + Shadow Word: Death on Sylvanas Windrunner + King Krush attacks opponent + Mind Blast + Holy Smite Wisp attacks Spud M. E.

  • Blood Razor + Inner Rage on Frothing Berserker + Frothing Berserker attacks Spud M. E. Frostbolt on Ironfur Grizzly + Bloodmage Thalnos + Fireblast on Gurubashi Berserker (2/3) + Forbidden Flame on Gurubashi Berserker (5/2) + Gurubashi Berserker (1) and (2) attack opponent Backstab on Pompous Thespian + Magma Rager and Kobold Geomancer attack opponent + Shadowstep on Kobold Geomancer + Kobold Geomancer + Leper Gnome + Backstab on Leper Gnome + Sinister Strike + Razorpetal Rampage on Grommash Hellscream + Your hero attacks Abomination + Execute on Lord of the Arena + Cleave + Grommash Hellscream attacks opponent Uther of the Ebon Blade + Battery Pack + Hero Power + Blackwald Pixie + Hero Power + Auctionmaster Beardo + Battery Pack + Hero Power + Hammer of Wrath on Glow-Tron + Hero Power

Lil’ Stormy

Silver Hand Recruit attacks Booty Bay Bodyguard + Wild Pyromancer + Consecration + Tirion Fordring attacks opponent + Equality + Your hero attacks opponent + Bluegill Warrior Sonya Shadowdancer + Pogo-Hopper (1) + Backstab on Pogo-Hopper (1) + Pogo-Hopper (1) + Shadowstep on Pogo-Hopper + Pogo-Hopper (1) + Pogo-Hopper (2) + Breakout + Eviscerate Radiant Elemental + Inner Fire on Auchenai Soulpriest + Circle of Healing + Potion of Madness on Auchenai Soulpriest + Divine Spirit (1) and (2) on Auchenai Soulpriest + Inner Fire on Auchenai Soulpriest + Auchenai Soulpriest attacks opponent Cornered Sentry + Eternium Rover + Armorsmith + Drywhisker Armorer + Whirlwind + Charge on Eternium Rover + Eternium Rover attacks Wrathguard + Shield Slam on Wrathguard Elven Archer (1) on Stormwind Knight + Defender of Argus on Stormwind Knight or Cure-All + Elven Archer (2) on Tentacle of N’Zoth + Healing Rain + Coin + Lightning Bolt (1) and (2) Wild Pyromancer (1) and (2) + Commanding Shout + Your hero attacks opponent + Coin + Whirlwind Beckoner of Evil + Spirit Lash + Shadow Madness on Cult Sorcerer + Cult Sorcerer attacks opponent + Circle of Healing + Spirit Lash + C’Thun

Electra Stormsurge

Skaterbot + Shieldbearer + Twilight Drake + Skaterbot attacks River Crocolisk + Defile + Stampeding Kodo attacks Spud M. E.

  • Coin + Defile Timber Wolf + Savannah Highmane + All minions attack opponent + Kill Command on Savannah Highmane + Coin + Swamp Leech Mortal Coil on Goblin Bomb + Defile + Hellfire Flametongue Totem (Leper Gnome and Emerald Reaver) + Emerald Reaver attacks Bomb Squad + Leper Gnome and Stoneclaw Totem attack opponent + Crushing Hand on Leper Gnome + Rockbiter Weapon on Tunnel Trogg Faceless Manipulator on Tundra Rhino + Bloodfen Raptor and Emerald Hive Queen attack Abomination + Timber Wolf Counterfeit Coin + Razorpetal Volley + Razorpetal on Hoarding Dragon + Eviscerate on Hoarding Dragon + Coin (1) and (2) + Shadow Strike + Razorpetal + Backstab on Mana Addict

Dr. Boom

Super Soldier + Frothing Berserker + Fiery War Axe + Dread Corsair (1) and (2) attack Sludge Belcher + Grim Patron attacks Slime + Whirlwind + Slam on Grim Patron (2) Wild Pyromancer + Power Word: Tentacles on Wild Pyromancer + Circle of Healing + Recharge + Holy Smite on Spud M. E.

  • Violet Teacher + Defile (1) and (2) Power Word: Shield on opponent’s Northshire Cleric + Lab Recruiter on Northshire Cleric + Wild Pyromancer + Elven Archer on Lab Recruiter + Battery Pack + Fungal Enchanter + Northshire Cleric (all) + Binding Heal + Swap + Treachery on Northshire Cleric + Circle of Healing Undercover Reporter on Northshire Cleric (1) + Elven Archer on Northshire Cleric (1) + Power Word: Shield on Elven Archer + Northshire Cleric (2) + Hero Power + Northshire Cleric (3) + Battery Pack + Swap + Wild Pyromancer + Treachery on Northshire Cleric + Fungal Enchanter + Binding Heal on Undercover Reporter + Circle of Healing

Mirror Puzzles Sequences

Test Subject #362

Wisp + River Crocolisk right of Wisp Wisp left of River Crocolisk + Chillwind Yeti right of River Crocolisk + Fireball on Sen’jin Shieldmasta Stonetusk Boar attacks Wolfrider + Flash Heal on Chillwind Yeti + Hero Power on River Crocolisk Hero Power on Bloodfen Raptor + Murloc Tinyfin attacks Bloodfen Raptor + Wisp Novice Engineer left of Spider Tank + Frostbolt on Dire Mole Stonetusk Boar (1) and (2) attack Chillwind Yeti (1) and (2) + Hero Power on Stonetusk Boar (3) + Fireball on Stonetusk Boar (4) Stonetusk Boar (1)  right of Stonetusk Boar (2) + Defender of Argus on Stonetusk Boar (1) and Stonetusk Boar (2) + Stonetusk Boar (1) attacks Frostwolf Grunt River Crocolisk (1) attacks Chillwind Yeti + River Crocolisk (2) attacks River Crocolisk + Holy Smite on River Crocolisk (2) Hero Power on Chillwind Yeti

Astromancer Arwyn

Hero Power + Drain Life on Icky Tentacle + Forbidden Ritual Frostbolt on Unstable Ghoul + Unstable Ghoul attacks Ancient Watcher (1) + Hero Power on Ancient Watcher (2) Inner Fire on Sleepy Dragon + Faceless Behemoth attacks Sleepy Dragon + Embrace the Shadow + Hero Power on Sleepy Dragon + Resurrect Wisp attacks Wisp + Hero Power + Your hero attacks Wisp (2) + Mark of the Lotus (1) and (2) + Wrath (1 damage) on Wisp Elven Archer (1) on opponent’s Gurubashi Berserker + Elven Archer (2) on your Gurubashi Berserker + Hero Power on your Gurubashi Berserker + Volcanic Potion Holy Smite (1) on your Faceless Behemoth (1) + Holy Smite (2) on your Chillwind Yeti + Hero Power on your Faceless Behemoth (2) + Stars Align + Divine Spirit on your Faceless Behemoth (1) Sorcerer’s Apprentice (1) left of Archmage Antonidas + Arcane Intellect + Sorcerer’s Apprentice (2) left of Archmage Antonidas + Molten Reflection on Sorcerer’s Apprentice (2) + Arcane Intellect + Fireball on Chillwind Yeti (all) + Coin (1) and (2) + Fireball on opponent’s Sorcerer’s Apprentice + Fireball on your Archmage Antonidas

Stargazer Luna

Holy Smite on your Booty Bay Bodyguard + Divine Spirit on opponent’s Booty Bay Bodyguard + Confuse + Divine Spirit on your Booty Bay Bodyguard Spirit Lash + Hero Power on Spider Tank + Holy Smite (1) on Wargear + Holy Smite (2) on Rusty Recycler + Stars Align + Circle of Healing Ironbeak Owl on Devilsaur Egg (1) + Hellfire + Unwilling Sacrifice on Devilsaur Egg (2) Dirty Rat + Boulderfist Ogre attacks Dirty Rat + River Crocolisk attacks War Golem + War Golem attacks War Golem + Shadow Word: Pain on Dirty Rat + Hero Power on your Boulderfist Ogre + Light of the Naaru on opponent’s Boulderfist Ogre Backstab and Shiv on your Questing Adventurer + Eviscerate on your Wisp + Hero Power + Your hero attacks Wisp Chillwind Yeti attacks Chillwind Yeti (4/2) + Moonfire (1) and (2) on opponent’s Chillwind Yeti (2) + Moonfire (3) on your Chillwind Yeti (2)

Zerek, Master Cloner

Silver Hand Recruit (1) and (2) attack Abomination + Bolvar Fordragon + Consecration Hero Power on Sea Giant (right) + Shrinkmeister on Cabal Shadow Priest + Confuse + Potion of Madness on opponent’s Shrinkmeister + Shrinkmeister attacks Cabal Shadow Priest + Uplink on Sea Giant (left) Hero Power + Shield Slam on opponent’s Grim Patron + Whirlwind (1) + Execute on opponent’s Grim Patron + Whirlwind (2) Confuse + Flash Heal and Light of the Naaru on your Wild Pyromancer + Spirit Lash Incubator on opponent’s Dirty Rat + Whirlwind + Dirty Rat (1) + Charge on  Animated Berserker + Cosmic Projection + Dirty Rat (2) + Animated Berserker attacks Dirty Rat

Dr. Boom

Loot Hoarder attacks Abomination + Prince Taldaram on Abomination + Kidnapper on Sea Giant + Abomination attacks Abomination + Cruel Dinomancer attacks Sea Giant + Soulfire on Sea Giant Archbishop Benedictus attacks opponent + Archmage’s Insight + Recycle on Ultrasaur + Polluted Hoarder and Radiant Elemental attack Hoarding Dragon + Coin + Archbishop Benedictus + Ice Rager attacks Loot Hoarder + Healing Wave on Ultrasaur + Auchenai Soulpriest attacks Reckless Rocketeer Archmage’s Insight + Boots of Haste + Hero Power on Howlfiend + Toxic Arrow on Dire Mole + Betrayal on Dire Mole + Vanish + Gloves of Mugging + Novice Engineer + Naturalize on Novice Engineer + Faceless Manipulator on The Darkness Shadow Madness on Glinda Crowskin + Prince Taldaram (1) on Aviana + Prince Taldaram (2) on Mal’Ganis (1) + Prince Taldaram (3) on Mal’Ganis (2) + Kun the Forgotten King (mana) + Ray of Roasting

Board Clear Puzzles Sequences

Dexter the Dendrologist

Stonetusk Boar attacks Wisp + Rabid Worgen attacks Bloodfen Raptor Elven Archer on Infested Wolf + Holy Nova + Spirit Lash Tentacle of N’Zoth (1) and (2) + Coin (1) and (2) + Stubborn Gastropod Sap on Harvest Golem (1) + Eviscerate on Harvest Golem (2) + Backstab on Damaged Golem Bash on Frothing Berserker + Stonetusk Boar (1) and (2) attack Soggoth the Slitherer + Frothing Berserker attacks Soggoth the Slitherer Hero Power on River Crocolisk + Wolfrider attcks Toxic Sewer Ooze + Steamwheedle Sniper attacks Bloodfen Raptor + Explosive Shot on Chillwind Yeti Power Word: Shield on Wild Pyromancer + Holy Smite (1) on Deathwing + Hero Power on Wild Pyromancer + Holy Smite (2) and (3) on Deathwing + Flash Heal Hero Power + Backstab on Spiteful Smith + Deadly Poison + Toxicologist + Preparation + Your hero attacks Deathwing + Blade Flurry + Coin (all) + Eviscerate (1) on Spiteful Smith + Eviscerate (2) on Toxicologist

Flobbidinous Floop

Aldor Peacekeeper on Anomalus + Humility on Deathwing + Sleepy Dragon attacks Sleepy Dragon + Boulderfist Ogre attacks Hungry Ettin + Enter the Coliseum Stonetusk Boar attacks Spawn of N’Zoth + Dark Iron Skulker + Hero Power + Your hero attacks Spawn of N’Zoth + Eviscerate on Dark Iron Skulker Contamination on Sen’jin Shieldmasta + Chillwind Yeti and Boulderfist Ogre attack Sen’jin Shieldmasta + Swipe on Spider Tank + Spider Tank attacks Chillwind Yeti + Moonfire on Chillwind Yeti Mind Vision + Clockwork Giant attacks Faceless Behemoth + Confuse (1) + Potion of Madness on Faceless Behemoth + Confuse (2) + Shadowflame on Faceless Behemoth Spider Tank attacks Wrathion + Boulderfist Ogre attacks Earth Elemental + Stormwatcher (1) attacks Lord of the Arena + Stormwatcher (2) attacks Sen’jin Shieldmasta + Confuse + Shadow Word: Horror Hungry Crab on Megafin + Crazed Alchemist on Sleepy Dragon + Void Terror on Crazed Alchemist and Hungry Crab + Shadowflame on Void Terror Preparation + Razorpetal Volley + Counterfeit Coin + Razorpetal (1) and (2) on Golemagg + Backstab on Gelbin’s Coil (1) + Backstab on Gelbin’s Coil (2) + Shadowstep on Gelbin’s Coil (3)

Demonologist Draan

Topsy-Turvy on Hungry Ettin + Shadow Word: Death on Molten Giant + Confuse + Shadow Word: Horror Doomguard and Imp (1) attack Voidlord + Imp (2) attacks Voidwalker + Defile Blood Razor + Your hero attacks Pit Fighter + Woodcutter’s Axe + Whirlwind + Revenge Contamination on Abomination + Mark of the Wild on Angry Chicken (1) + Hero Power + Your hero and Abomination attack Angry Chicken (1) Brann Bronzebeard + Galvanizer + Explosive Sheep + Skater Bot left of Explosive Sheep + Faithful Lumi on Explosive Sheep + Fireworks Tech on Explosive Sheep + Explosive Sheep attacks Force-Tank MAX (1) + Mechwarper + Skater Bot left of Mechwarper + Mechwarper attacks Force-Tank MAX (2)

Dr. Morrigan

Flametongue Totem (Flying Machine (1) and (2)) + Flying Machine (1) attacks Sen’jin Shieldmasta and Lord of the Arena + Flying Machine (2) attacks Squirming Tentacle and Booty Bay Bodyguard + Wild Pyromancer + Lightning Bolt on Flametongue Totem + Rockbiter Weapon + Your hero attacks River Crocolisk Scavenging Hyena + Unleash the Hounds + Timber Wolf (right) + Dire Wolf Alpha on Hound (1) and Timber Wolf + Hound (1) and (2) attack Molten Giant (1) + Hound (3) and Dire Wolf Alpha attack Molten Giant (2) + Coin + Powershot on Golemagg + Timber Wolf, Tundra Rhino and Scavenging Hyena attack Golemagg Fire Plume Harbinger (1) + Murmuring Elemental + Zola the Gorgon on Fire Plume Harbinger (1) + Fire Plume Harbinger (2) + Battery Pack + Fire Plume Harbinger (3) + Grumble, Worldshaker + Zola the Gorgon on Grumble, Worldshaker + Fire Plume Harbinger (1) + Murmuring Elemental + Fire Plume Harbinger (2) + Fire Plume Harbinger (3) + Grumble, Worldshaker + Battery Pack + Fire Plume Harbinger (1) + Fire Plume Harbinger (2) + Snowfury Giant +  Shadowflame on Snowfury Giant + Back-up Plan Floop’s Glorious Goop + Treant attacks Blightnozzle Crawler + Poison Seeds + Spiritsinger Umbra + Ticking Abomination + Hero Power + Your hero attacks Radioactive Ooze + Mulchmuncher attacks Treant + Contamination and Lesser Jasper Spellstone on Ticking Abomination Faceless Manipulator on Sonya Shadowdancer + Elven Archer (1) on Foe Reaper 9000 + Elven Archer (2) on Elven Archer (1) + Tentacle of N’Zoth (1) + Elven Archer (3) on Tentacle of N’Zoth (1) + Elven Archer (4) on Foe Reaper 9000 + Tentacle of N’Zoth (2) + Elven Archer (5) on Tentacle of N’Zoth (2) + Tentacle of N’Zoth (3) + Elven Archer (6) on Tentacle of N’Zoth (3) 

Dr. Boom

Radiant Elemental (1) and (2) + Test Subject + Vivid Nightmare (1) on Test Subject + Topsy Turvy (1) on Test Subject + Vivid Nightmare (2) on Test Subject + Topsy-Turvy (2) on Test Subject + Vivid Nightmare (3) on Radiant Elemental (1) + Vivid Nightmare (4) on Test Subject + Topsy-Turvy (3) on Test Subject + Vivid Nightmare (5) on Gelbin’s Coil (1) + Topsy-Turvy (4) on Radiant Elemental (1) + Holy Smite (1) on Radiant Elemental (1) + Shadow Word: Pain on Radiant Elemental (2) + Holy Smite (2) on Gelbin’s Coil (2) + Holy Smite (3) on Gelbin’s Coil (3) + Holy Smite (4) on Test Subject + Holy Smite (5) on Radiant Elemental (3) Tundra Rhino + Cave Hydra (1) attacks Mekgineer Thermaplugg (middle) + Cave Hydra (left) attacks Leper Gnome (left) (1) + Cave Hydra (right) attacks Leper Gnome (left) (2) + Windfury on Cave Hydra (2) + Cave Hydra (2) attacks Mekgineer Thermaplugg (middle) + Windfury on Cave Hydra (3) + Cave Hydra (3) attacks Mekgineer Thermaplugg (right) + Novice Engineer attacks Leper Gnome (3) + Tundra Rhino attacks Mekgineer Thermaplugg (left) + Novice Engineer (all) attack Leper Gnome (all) Radiant Elemental + Divine Spirit (1) on Test Subject (right) + Vivid Nightmare (1) on Test Subject (right) + Shadow Word: Pain (1) on Test Subject (copy) + Divine Spirit (2) on Test Subject (right) + Vivid Nightmare (2) on Test Subject (right) + Inner Fire on Test Subject (left) + Shadow Word: Pain (2) on Test Subject (copy) + Battery Pack + Vivid Nightmare (3) on Radiant Elemental + Divine Spirit (3) and (4) on Test Subject (right) + Sergeant Sally + Shadow Word: Pain (3) on Test Subject (right) + Divine Spirit (5), (6) and (7) on Sergeant Sally + Confuse + Vivid Nightmare (4) on Sergeant Sally + Hero Power on Sergeant Sally + Kobold Geomancer + Spirit Lash Demonfire on Ultrasaur + Moat Lurker (left) on Wild Pyromancer + Arcane Anomaly + Ratcatcher on Doomguard + Bloodfury Potion on Arcane Anomaly + Demonfire on Jade Golem + Void Terror on Moat Lurker + Defile

Survival Puzzles Sequences

Boomnician Breena

Holy Light + Forbidden Healing Binding Heal on Flamewreathed Faceless + Flash Heal + Hero Power + Deranged Doctor attacks Flamewreathed Faceless Truesilver Champion + Seal of Light + Your hero attacks Corrupted Healbot + Holy Light (1) and (2) Equality + Silver Hand Recruit attacks Corrupted Healbot + Holy Light (1) and (2) Crystalsmith Kangor + Forbidden Healing Radiant Elemental + Priest of the Feast + Hero Power + Flash Heal (1) and (2) + Shadow Word: Pain on Radiant Elemental Reincarnate on Mistress of Mixtures + Lightning Bolt on Mistress of Mixtures + Healing Wave + Jinyu Waterspeaker Radiant Elemental + Priest of the Feast + Shadow Visions (1), (2), and (3) on Shadow Visions + Shadow Visions (4) on Flash Heal + Flash Heal

Boommaster Flark

Hero Power + Topsy Turvy on Hoarding Dragon + Hero Power + Shadow Word: Pain on Hoarding Dragon + Flash Heal (1) and (2) + Hero Power + Coin (1) + Voodoo Doctor + Coin (2) + Light of the Naaru + Deranged Doctor attacks Booty Bay Bodyguard Floop’s Glorious Gloop + Wisp (1) and (2) attack Haunted Creeper + Wisp (3) and (4) + Poison Seeds (1) and (2) + Tree of Life Zilliax + Blessed Champion on Zilliax + Zilliax attacks Turret Sentinel + Forbidden Healing Steel Rager + Zilliax and Glow-Tron on Steel Rager + Steel Rager attacks Target Dummy + Battery Pack + Forbidden Healing Antique Healbot + Refreshment Vendor + Forked Lightning + Healing Wave + Murmuring Elemental + Lava Burst on Turret Sentinel + Shudderwock Ancestral Spirit and Moat Lurker on Corrupted Healbot + Reincarnate on Turret Sentinel + Ancestral Spirit on Corrupted Healbot + Unbeakered Lightning + Zilliax + Rockbiter Weapon on Zilliax + Zilliax attacks Corrupted Healbot

Glow-Tron 2000

Replicating Menace (1) and (2) on Microbot + Microbot attacks Turret Sentinel + Spirit Lash Rusty Recycler (1) attacks Turret Sentinel + Vicious Scalehide left of Flametongue Totem + Rockbiter Weapon and Earthen Might on Rusty Recycler (2) + Rusty Recycler (2) attacks Turret Sentinel + Jinyu Waterspeaker + Healing Wave Light of the Naaru on Auchenai Soulpriest + Elixir of Life on Lightwarden + Breakout + Auchenai Soulpriest attacks Abomination + Earthen Ring Farseer + Binding Heal on Abomination + Mistress of Mixtures and Tournament Medic attack Abomination + Circle of Healing + Lightwarden attacks Abomination + Hero Power Brrloc on Turret Sentinel (1) + Hallazeal + Reincarnate on Turret Sentinel (2) + Ancestral Spirit and Moat Lurker on Turret Sentinel (1) + Unbeakered Lightning Zilliax + Blessing of Might on Zilliax + Forbidden Healing on Primalfin Champion + Mana Addict attacks Bronze Gatekeeper + Zilliax and Primalfin Champion attack Turret Sentinel + Forbidden Healing Wickerflame Burnbristle + Moat Lurker on Turret Sentinel (1) + Uther of the Ebon Blade + Your hero attacks Turret Sentinel (2) + Lay On Hands (1) + Steel Rattler on Microbot + Microbot attacks Turret Sentinel (2) + Lay on Hands (2) + Holy Light

Crystalsmith Kangor

Phasing Portal on Lord Jaraxxus + Hero Power + Demonic Research + Lord Jaraxxus Grimestreet Outfitter + Moat Lurker on Turret Sentinel + Paragon of Light (1) + Glowstone Technician + Wickerflame Burnbristle + Paragon of Light (2) Nerubian Unraveller attacks Turret Sentinel + Tentacle of N’Zoth + Silence on Nerub’ar Weblord + Shadow Madness  and Zola the Gorgon on Lord Jaraxxus + Lord Jaraxxus Dark Pact on Sylvanas Windrunner + Demonic Research + Spiritsinger Umbra + Carnivorous Cube on Mistress of Mixtures + Dark Pact on Carnivorous Cube + Cataclysm Mistress of Mixtures + Demonic Research + Lord Jaraxxus attacks Nerub’ar Weblord + Chillmaw + Dark Pact on Chillmaw + Alexstrasza on your hero + Phasing Portal on Lord Jaraxxus + Witchwood Piper + Sacrificial Pact on Witchwood Piper + Lord Jaraxxus

Dr. Boom

Crazed Alchemist on Turret Sentinel + Unlicensed Apothecary + Soul Repressor + Ratcatcher Lorewalker Cho + Zola the Gorgon on Lorewalker Cho + Lorewalker Cho (2) + Forbidden Ancient + Battery Pack + Mark of the Lotus + Earthen Scales on Forbidden Ancient + Azalina Soulthief + Battery Pack + Mark of the Lotus (1) and (2) + Earthen Scales (1) and (2) on Forbidden Ancient Oaken Summons + Zilliax on Steel Rager + Rusty Horn on Turret Sentinel + Steel Rager attacks Turret Sentinel + Strongshell Scavenger + Earthen Scales on Steel Rager + Branching Paths (armor) Phasing Portal on Mal’Ganis + Sacrificial Pact (1) and (2) on Imp (1) and (2) + Demonic Research + DOOM! (1) + Witchwood Imp + Soul Repressor + Carnivorous Cube on Soul Repressor + Dark Pact on Voidlord + DOOM! (2) + Flame Imp (left) + Void Terror on Soul Repressor (1) and (2) Red Mana Wyrm + Ixlid, Fungal Lord + Battery Pack + Djinni of Zephyrs + Savage Roar + Hero Power + Battery Pack + Gloop Sprayer on Djinni of Zephyrs + Earthen Scales on Red Mana Wyrm Explosive Sheep + Ixlid, Fungal Lord + Barkskin on Ixlid, Fungal Lord + Hero Power + Battery Pack + Spiritsinger Umbra + Mistress of Mixtures + Voodoo Doll on Explosive Sheep + Plated Beetle

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