Padma Shri Harekala Hajabba is an Orange Vendor who fabricated a school from his reserve funds, he is a functioning social laborer who has figured out how to instruct helpless youngsters through his investment funds.

Padma Shri Harekala Hajabba’s religion is as yet in the background. He is from Mangalore, Karnataka where numerous Christian and Muslim individuals can be found yet with his family name he additionally may be a Hindu.

India is where a wide range of strict individuals reside and principally Hindus, Christian, and Muslims are found. Harekala has taken care of business for which no religion and station matter; he has had an effect in the public eye by opening a school for the kids.

For his praiseworthy drive, he is granted Padma Shri.Padma  Shri Harekala Hajabba’s own and family subtleties will be accessible once he gives interviews. He is an orange seller with a big heart for aiding his general public and placing his hand in the improvement of his country.

Regardless of his own somewhat compelled conditions, he figured out how to instruct his town youngsters. Nonetheless, notwithstanding his distinction, his relatives’ subtleties are not known. With his appearance, he should be a hitched man with offspring of his own. Sometime his own subtleties will get uncovered. Up to that point stay refreshed.

Harekala Hajabba is granted with Padma Shri, he is a social laborer and orange seller. With his reserve funds, he has constructed a school in his town which is presently known as Hajabba School.

The school is currently developed with government backing and gifts from people. He is consciously known as ‘Akshara Santa’. Presently, Hajabba is longing for building a Pre-University school locally.

Today Mr Hajabba received India’s fourth highest honour.

— Anand Ranganathan (@ARanganathan72) November 8, 2021

A book named ‘Harekala Hajabbara Jeevana Charitre’ (Life story of Harekala Hajabba) is distributed by essayist and social lobbyist Ismath Pajeer. This book is on the existence of Hajabba.

Also, his life history is added to the prospectus of Mangalore University. He was additionally given the ‘Genuine Heroes’ honor by CNN IBN and Reliance Foundation.